MONITOR – az ELTE IK Pályázati Hírlevele 14.


A Horizont Európa program 6. klaszterének (Élelmiszer, biomassza alapú gazdaság, természeti erőforrások, mezőgazdaság és környezet) 2023-24. évi munkaprogramja várhatóan november végén, december elején fog megjelenni. A felhívásokhoz kapcsolódó első benyújtási határidő a tervek szerint 2023. március végén lesz. A Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal az Express Innovation Agency-vel együttműködésben 2022. december 7-én online információs napot szervez a Horizont Európa program 6. klaszterének 2023. évi felhívásairól.


Are you interested in research and innovation funding opportunities in the area of Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment? Then don’t miss the Horizon Europe (HE) Cluster 6 Info days on 13-14 December 2022 about the Work Programme 2023. This Work Programme includes 100 topics proposing over 880 Millions of EU funding to support the best actions.


2022. november 23-án az Európai Bizottság nyilvánosságra hozta az Erasmus+ program 2023-as Pályázati útmutatóját, illetve a jövő évi pályázati beadási határidőket.

On 23 November 2022 the European Commission published the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2023 and the deadlines for next year’s calls for proposals.


Az EU Tudásvalorizációs Hetének célja, hogy inspiráló gyakorlatok bemutatásával, tapasztalatcserével és a határokon átnyúló párbeszéd ösztönzésével javítsa a szakpolitikákat, befektetéseket és készségeket a tudásvalorizáció terén. Most itt a lehetőség, hogy jelentkezzen tudásvalorizációs stratégiájának, eszközének, hálózatának vagy akciójának bemutatására a 2023. április 25. és 28. között megrendezésre kerülő rendezvényen.

The EU Knowledge Valorisation Week aims to improve policies, investments, capacities and skills in knowledge valorisation by showcasing inspiring practices, exchanging experiences and stimulating dialogue across borders. Apply to share your knowledge valorisation strategy, tool, network or action at the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023 to be held between 25-28 April.


Az együttműködés a kutatás és az innováció egyik legfontosabb eleme. De hogyan ismerhetik meg egymást a kutatók, hogyan szereznek tudomást egymásról a kutatók és a nem akadémiai partnerek, különösen, ha szektorok közötti vagy nemzetközi kezdeményezésekről van szó? Az Európai Egyetemi Alapítvány PhD Hub-ját azért hozták létre, hogy összekapcsolja a kutatókat, a vállalkozásokat és a szélesebb értelemben vett társadalmat. A kezdeményezés célja a szektorközi, interdiszciplináris és nemzetközi együttműködés elősegítése.

Collaboration is a key feature of research and innovation. But how do researchers and non-academic partners find out about each other, especially when it comes to cross-sectoral or international initiatives? The PhD Hub of the European University Foundation has been created to connect researchers, enterprises and the  society at large. It promotes intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international collaboration and fosters innovation.

Válogatás aktuális pályázati felhívásokból:

No.Téma/Key wordsFelhívásKiíró/ProgramBeadási határidő
1Collaborative research projects between researchers of at least two CELSA partners, of which one must be KU Leuven, with the purpose of leveraging their efforts towards future Horizon Europe applications (or to its successor or any other competitive European fund)CELSA RESEARCH FUND CELSA15 December 2022
2Advance the European scientific basis, technology base, technology leadership in the area of hydropower in the context of digital transition and energy markets while creating evidence for policy makingHORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-08Development of digital solutions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance CommissionHorizon Europe10 January 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
3The objective of this action is to develop and deploy the AI-on-demand platform, providing the requirements and underlying mechanisms for such platformDIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-03-AI-ON-DEMANDDeployment of the AI-on-demand platform CommissionDigital Europe23 January 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
4Increase and improve the offer of education programmes and the number of students specialised in key capacity areas (digital specialists)DIGITAL-2022-SKILLS-03-SPECIALISED-EDUSpecialised education programmes or modules in key capacity areas CommissionDigital Europe24 January 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
5Egyéni kutatói ösztöndíj, bármely témábanERC-2023-COGERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANTS CommissionHorizon Europe02 February 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
6Co-finances new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA including international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as international and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND-01-01MSCA COFUND European CommissionHorizon Europe09 February 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
7Networks of schools and Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, and/or higher education Institutions providing Teacher Training /Education should serve the purpose of giving an international aspect to the new Jean Monnet strand and allow exchange of good practices as well as experiencing co-teaching within a group of countries.ERASMUS-JMO-2023-NETWORKS-SCHOOLSJean Monnet Networks in other fields of Education and Training European CommissionErasmus+14 February 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
8Modules are short teaching programmes or courses in the field of European Union studies at offered at a higher education institution. Each Module has a minimum duration of 40 teaching hours per academic year for a duration of three years. Modules may concentrate on one particular discipline in European studies or be multidisciplinary in approach and therefore call upon the academic input of several professors and experts. They can also take the form of short specialised or summer programmes.ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULEJean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules European CommissionErasmus+14 February 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
9Learning about the objectives and the functioning of the European Union is an important part of promoting active citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination. Teachers and trainers are keen to engage in opportunities for their own professional development; a significant number of teachers express the need to expand their competences for developing an inclusive classroom atmosphere using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and teaching in multilingual and multicultural classrooms.ERASMUS-JMO-2023-OFET-TTJean Monnet actions for other fields of education and training – Teacher training European CommissionErasmus+14 February 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
10Develop new and innovative products and services designed by industrial and user requirements, having Copernicus data assets and services products at their core, and scaling up to the increased data volumes of Copernicus’ archives, by solving the technological challenges related to Artificial Intelligence, AI, High Performance Computing (HPC), Big Data processing and management, and the integration with distributed data sources from other industrial domains.HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-55Large-scale Copernicus data uptake with AI and HPC European CommissionHorizon Europe02 March 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
11Support for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations.MSCA STAFF EXCHANGES 2022 CommissionHorizon Europe08 March 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time
12Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment, including research.ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERPAlliances for Education and Enterprises  European CommissionErasmus+03 May 2023
17:00:00 Brussels time

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