Service Areas

The integration of research and knowledge utilization mechanisms

Software And Data-Intensive Services

The main direction of the Center’s service activities is research and development tailored to local/regional industrial needs:

  • developing new procedures, tested prototypes, or marketable products, services, and technological procedures that enhance market efficiency and competitiveness.

Our Service Areas


Development of signal and image processing, as well as data processing methods, applied in diagnostic imaging devices. Establishing the IT infrastructure for new medical procedures through the integration of large healthcare databases and analysis of healthcare data.


Digital transformation of financial services, development, and application of data science methods in the field of digital banking services and Fintech.

Industry 4.0

Supporting the implementation of Industry 4.0-based manufacturing technology processes, optimizing manufacturing technology. Launching master's programs in Industry 4.0 and Fintech, dual master's program in computer science, integrating research and development activities into professional training.


Cryptography will undergo significant changes in the next few years in response to the challenges posed by quantum technology. We will examine solutions that are resistant to both traditional and quantum computers, considering the implications of algorithmic changes and how to apply them.

SPECT Imaging

In the evaluation of the heart, we focus on the automatic assessment of two different areas: perfusion and blood pool, known as flow-based procedures, where a high degree of automation is considered innovative. In addition to heart evaluation, brain imaging is another important area where various diseases can be diagnosed and analyzed using the SPECT imaging modality with automated algorithms.

Data-Intensive Analyses

ELTE researchers are establishing a research and development infrastructure and an IT analytics center that builds upon industry-utilized, failsafe data collection technologies. This center is capable of performing data-intensive analyses, specifically for determining parameters measurable only through dynamic methods.

Collaboration Opportunities

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