Dear Colleagues,
The European Office of Cyprus – Brussels Office, NCBR Office in Brussels – Business & Science Poland, Slovenian Business & Research Association, Eötvös Loránd University, the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office in Hungary and the Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office in Brussels (LINO) would like to invite you to participate in our event titled European research assessment reform: why and when?
This event will take place online on Tuesday 31 May 14.00 via the Zoom platform.
The Commission has called for organisations to express their interest in being part of a coalition on reforming research assessment. The coalition brought together research funding organisations, research performing organisations, national/regional assessment authorities or agencies, associations of research funders, of research performers, of researchers, as well as, learned societies and other relevant organisations, all willing and committed to implement reforms to the current research assessment system.
This online event will focus on the rationale behind the need for a renewed approach to the research assessment system and share the stakeholders’ views on reforming research assessment. An exchange of viewpoints among experts in the field and the audience will follow.
Should you be interested in participating in the event, please register here. A final confirmation and program with speakers will be sent few days before the event.
The deadline for registration is Friday, 27/05.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested colleagues.
If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact Aliki Varella at
We are very much looking forward to seeing you at our event!