Software and Data Intensive Services
competence center
Competence Center
One of the main drivers of modern economic systems based on intellectual capital is the growth of a knowledge-intensive service sector, which relies more than ever on the mission of higher education, integrating education, research and knowledge exploitation mechanisms.
The organisational realisation of this higher education mission is the Software and Data-Intensive Services Competence Centre, which has been established under the leadership of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics, in a consortium, focusing on 3 service focus areas: finance, health, Industry 4.0.
Our Mission

The aim of the Software and Data-Intensive Services Competence Centre is to develop IT solutions based on the knowledge base of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics, which can be applied in various service areas: industry, finance and healthcare, and which increase the competitiveness of companies.
Our Mission
The aim of the Software and Data-Intensive Services Competence Centre is to develop IT solutions based on the knowledge base of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics, which can be applied in various service areas: industry, finance and healthcare, and which increase the competitiveness of companies.
For Businesses
The Competence Centre offers strategic partnerships to enhance the research and innovation capabilities of enterprises.
For Researchers And Students
The Competence Centre presents a unique opportunity for collaborative engagement with exceptional experts and the nation’s foremost researchers, fostering teamwork towards shared objectives.
“A traveler accompanied by an experienced guide, who systematically explores a few of the most fascinating regions of a country through carefully chosen paths, sees far more of its natural beauties than one who rushes through every well-trodden highway.”
– Loránd Eötvös
“The teaching of scientists is as diverse as the number of sciences and the number of scientists themselves. One delves into the details while another focuses on general principles; one recites while another dictates; one experiments while another deduces. It is impossible and even inappropriate to impose a uniform pattern on all of them, for the value of this teaching lies precisely in its individual character.”
– Loránd Eötvös

Our Service Areas
Development of signal and image processing, as well as data processing methods, applied in diagnostic imaging devices. Creation of the IT infrastructure for novel medical procedures through the integration of large healthcare databases and analysis of healthcare data (Healthtech).
Digital transformation of financial services, development, and application of data science methods in the field of digital banking services (Fintech).
Industry 4.0
Supporting the implementation of Industry 4.0-based manufacturing technology processes and optimizing manufacturing technology. Initiating master's programs in I4.0 and Fintech, as well as dual education master's programs in computer science, integrating research and development activities into professional training.